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NOTE:  the SOURCE field in the veteran record documents the source(s) of the information contained in each individual record.  The Veterans Remembrance Committee makes no further claims regarding the accuracy of the information contained in this database.

Veteran First Name
Veteran Middle Name
Veteran Last Name
    View   5599 John D Coleman
    View   5797 Paver - Section G Fred L Wagner
    View   5799 Paver - Section C John H Gamble
    View   1884 Paver - Section E Elonne Marie Abfall
    View   1686 Paver - Section C George Lee Ackley
    View   1983 William A Acton
    View   1984 William Nelson Adair
    View   841 Charles Milton Adams
    View   4721 Charles W Adams
    View   1985 Christian Adams

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